Non-State Actors in Conflicts: Conspiracies, Myths, and Practices
Call for Papers:
5th International Conference on
Conflict, Terrorism, and Society
April 12th – 13th 2016
Kadir Has University, Istanbul Turkey
At this point, we provide a platform to discuss ‘non-state actors’ and their roles during conflicts in detail. We reject the binary “state” vs “non-state” actor understanding and explore the reasons and implications of diversity among non-state actors. We encourage scholars to examine the similarities and differences between various forms of non-state actors: How are these groups formed? What motivates their actions? How do they operate in conflict regions? How are they portrayed in the media? How are they perceived by the societies?
Paper topics include but are not limited to:
- Definitions of statehood and challenges to traditional understanding
- Relationships between state and non-state actors
- Digital media and digital non-state actors
- Armed non-state groups and violence
- Portrayal of non-state actors on the media
- Public opinion and perception of non-state actors
Panel proposals or individual papers are welcome.
Submit a maximum 500 words abstract to:
Öznur Dursun, Faculty of Communications, Kadir Has University, Istanbul-TURKEY: oznur.dursun@khas.edu.tr
Proposals should be submitted in the following order:
Name of the author(s)
Telephone, fax, and e-mail address
Title of proposal
Body of proposal
You will be notified by February 12, 2016 regarding the status of your proposal.
Previous years the selected papers have been published in edited volumes with respected publishers. The organizing committee is planning to edit a new volume with selected papers from this year’s conference.
For further information about the conference in general, contact:
Prof. Banu Baybars-Hawks (banubhawks@khas.edu.tr)
More details on the conference, including keynote speakers, will be posted as arrangements are finalized on our webpage at http://www.iccts2016.org/