Re-Imagining Hiroshima
Special Issue: Critical Military Studies
- The most modern city in the world: Isamu Noguchi’s cenotaph controversy and Hiroshima’s city of peace: Ran Zwigenberg
- Unbearable light/ness of the bombing: normalizing violence and banalizing the horror of the atomic bomb experiences: Yuki Miyamoto
- Remembering nukes: collective memories and countering state history: Stefanie Fishel
- Contested spaces of ethnicity: zainichi Korean accounts of the atomic bombings: Erik Ropers
- Hiroshima and two paradoxes of Japanese nuclear perplexity: Thomas E. Doyle II
- Re-imagining Hiroshima in Japan: elin o’Hara slavik
- Memory and survival in everyday textures – Ishiuchi Miyako’s Here and Now: Atomic Bomb Artifacts, ひろしま/ Hiroshima 1945/2007: Makeda Best
- Nagasaki Re-Imagined: the last shall be first: Kathleen Sullivan