
AHRC PhD Studentship with Imperial War Museum and Keele University

Research Topic

Surviving modern war: the experiences of British armed forces personnel during the Falklands Campaign, 1982

AHRC PhD Studentship in collaboration with Imperial War Museums (IWM) and Keele University

Reference number: HUMSS-AHRC 2018-01

This project will study the experiences of British service personnel during the 1982 Falklands Campaign, and will examine the impacts and consequences of the campaign for troops involved. The project is an excellent opportunity to make use of a range of materials concerning how service personnel experienced this short, intense, often stressful, and


Details See Advert and details and Supplementary Information
Duration This full-time studentship, which is funded for three years at standard AHRC rates, will begin on 1 October 2018.
Fees Subject to AHRC eligibility criteria, the scholarships cover tuition fees and a grant (stipend) towards living expenses.
Stipend The national minimum doctoral stipend for 2018/19 has been set by Research Councils UK as £ 14,777 plus £550 additional payment for Collaborative Doctoral Students. For more information visit:
Closing date Applications must be received no later than 5pm on Sunday 29 April 2018. Apply online