Issue Dec 2010 3 (3)

mwc coverARTICLES

Frank L. Rusciano
The ‘Right to Know’ Vs. ‘Knowing What’s Right’: Tabloid Ethics and News Reporting in the Iraq War 

Rune Ottosen
The War in Afghanistan and Peace Journalism in Practice 

Robert Handley and Amani Ismail
Territory Under Siege: Their News, Our News, and ‘Ours Both’ News of the 2008 Gaza Crisis

Adi Kuntsman
Webs of Hate in Diasporic Cyberspaces: The Gaza War in the Russian-Language Blogosphere

Thomas Johnson and Barbara Kaye
Believing the Blogs of War? How Blog Users Compare on Credibility and Characteristics in 2003 and 2007

Matthew A. Killmeier and Naomi Chiba
Neo-Nationalism Seeks Strength from the Gods: Yasukuni Shrine, Collective Memory and Hegemony in the Japanese Press


Michael Day
From Inspiring to Instructing: The Significance of the March 2010 Adam Gadahn Propaganda Statement