New Book: The Dynamics of Mediatized Conflicts
Edited by, Mikkel Fugl Eskjær, Stig Hjarvard and Mette Mortensen
Series: Global Crises and the Media – Volume 3
This book engages with the mediatized dynamics of political, military and cultural conflicts. In today’s global and converging media environment, the interrelationship between media and conflict has been altered and intensified. No longer limited to the realms of journalism and political communication, various forms of new media have allowed other social actors to communicate and act through media networks. Thus, the media not only play an important role by reporting conflicts; they have also become co-constitutive of the ways conflicts develop and spread.
The first part of the book, Transnational Networks, addresses the opportunities and challenges posed by transnational media to actors seeking to engage in and manage conflicts through new media platforms. The second part, Mobilising the Personal: Crossing Public and Private Boundaries, concerns the ways in which media framings of conflicts often revolve around personal aspects of public figures. The third part, Military, War, and Media, engages with a classic theme of media studies – the power relationship between media, state, and military – but in light of the mediatized condition of modern warfare, in which the media have become an integrated part of military strategies.
The book develops new theoretical arguments and a series of empirical studies that are essential reading for students and scholars interested in the complex roles of media in contemporary conflicts.
This book is an important addition to mediatization research. It offers a new analytical lens on media in conflicts. The book covers an impressive range of contemporary tensions and conflicts – which scholars, students, and citizens in general have to relate to.(Professor Knut Lundby, Oslo University)
- Stig Hjarvard/Mette Mortensen/Mikkel Fugl Eskjær: Three Dynamics of Mediatized Conflicts
- Alison Anderson: The Mediatization of Environmental Conflict in the «Network Society»
- Asimina Michailidou/Hans-Jörg Trenz: Mediatized Transnational Conflicts: Online Media and the Politicisation of the European Union in Times of Crisis
- Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz/Andreas Hepp/Rebecca Venema: Communicative Figurations of Financial Blogging: Deliberative and Moralising Modes of Crisis Communication During the Eurocrisis
- Ester Pollack: Personalised Scandalisation: Sensationalising Trivial Conflicts?
- Johanna Sumiala: Ritual Performance in Mediatized Conflict: The Death of a Princess and a Prime Minister
- Tine Ustad Figenschou/Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud/Anna Grøndahl Larsen: Mediatized Asylum Conflicts: Human-Interest Framing and Common-Sense Public Morality
- Stig A. Nohrstedt/Rune Ottosen: Mediatization and Globalisation: New Challenges for War Journalism
- Sarah Maltby: Imagining Influence: Logic(al) Tensions in War and Defence
- Lilie Chouliaraki: Mediatized Death in Post-Arab Spring Conflicts
- Mette Mortensen/Mikkel Fugl Eskjær/Stig Hjarvard: The Mediatization of Conflicts: Prospects and Challenges
This exciting new volume shows how conflicts of all types are today mediatized – narrated, constructed, and modified through the media. The chapters enrich and develop our understanding of conflict, going beyond conventional definitions that focus on armed or violent struggles to offer a wealth of cases, ranging from environmental campaigns to political scandals, debates over immigration and the Eurocrisis. It is an indispensible resource for anybody wishing to understand the dynamic and rapidly changing nature of conflict in an age of mediatization.(Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff University)