War for Presence: Art, Conflict and Identity at the Art-IR Nexus
30th June 2018; Department of War Studies, King’s College London, UK
A one-day interdisciplinary workshop exploring the crossover between IR and Art History, common concerns, and interdisciplinary advances with a view to establish a productive conceptual, methodological and analytical agenda for IR and Art Historical research.
Event rationale:
The nexus between the study of International Relations (IR) and Art History is ripe with conceptual, analytical, and empirical opportunities for critical understanding. Art History has long counted on and developed methods and concepts for the study of specific aesthetic functions, including conflict and identity. Likewise, areas of IR scholarship have addressed in various forms the relevance, function and power of the aesthetic, and has long sought to account for the role of such expression in politics. The ‘Aesthetic Turn’ literature has sought to make this crossover productive. However, scholarship between these fields suffers from a lack of aggregation, particularly examination of clear conceptual links and reflection on analytical objectives shared and contested by both disciplines, and the tensions therein. Though valuable contributions have been made, its analytical promise needs to be revisited. How do IR and Art Historical analyses differ and what are the conceptual and methodological reasons for this? Where can they meet? What might such an interdisciplinary crossover look like in the specifics of each discipline and concrete research and analytical goals?This one-day workshop seeks to open an interdisciplinary space for new dialogue between IR scholars and Art Historians working on issues of art and conflict. The core objective is to understand and map what constitutes the shared space between art and IR, its tensions, and the concepts and methods necessary for its interdisciplinary engagement and analytical research productivity. The event will bring together key scholars that have experience of this interdisciplinary space and a range of IR and art practitioners.
Submissions will be sought that relate to
- Theory, methods, and analytical strategies in both IR and Art History
- aesthetics and ethics
- knowledge, power, categorisations and aesthetics
- images and the dilemma of ‘high art’
- sites of art and conflict
- conflict over visibility/invisibility
- nexus of transnational art world, institutions and its localities
- aesthetic analysis and its development
- gendered aesthetics
- hierarchy and power in aesthetic analysis
- locating the politics of art as theory and methodology
- examining aesthetic language
- postcoloniality in aesthetics and decolonising aesthetics
- making art international
- practices and institutional as well as individual power
- agency between art and IR
- the body and art in IR and/or conflict
OutputSelected papers presented at the workshop to be developed and submitted as a special issue to Review of International Studies. This special issue is to be edited by Vivienne Jabri (KCL), Laurie Benson (SOAS) and Pablo de Orellana (KCL). Event format:Convenors:Dr Pablo de Orellana, King’s College London, pablo.de.orellana@kcl.ac.uk, Co-Chair of the KCL Research Centre in International Relations; Dr Laurie Benson, School of Oriental and African Studies, London,lb60@soas.ac.uk; Prof Vivienne Jabri, King’s College LondonFunding: There is some limited funding available to contribute towards travel expenses, priority will be given to postgraduate students and early career scholars. Please note that BISA will only reimburse the travel expenses of BISA members. Please detail your funding needs in your submission. Submissions: All submissions to attend the workshop either presenting a paper or for attendance to be emailed to warforpresence2018@gmail.comby 1st March 2018. Abstracts for papers (200 words max) due 1st March 2018 (midnight) — Applications for attendance due 1st March 2018 (midnight) —Papers due 10th June 2018 (midnight)