War Reporters Under Threat
Chris Paterson
War Reporters Under Threat critically explores the disturbing press protection records of the very democracies which publically advocate free expression. Paterson argues that what should have been the lesson for the press following the invasion of Iraq – that they will be treated instrumentally by the US government – has been mostly ignored. The book combines critical scholarship with original investigation to assess the impact of the US government’s obsession with information control and protection of its own troops.
The perils that professional journalists covering wars and conflict regularly face is a woefully under-researched area within media studies. Paterson’s very timely and critically engaged book is a much-needed addition to the literature on journalism. Highly recommended.
Daya Thussu, Professor of International Communication, University of Westminster, London
In the shadow of 9/11 Paterson accuses the United States — “a superpower drunk with power” — of acting with impunity in its targeting and killing of journalists and media workers. He provides a painstaking, thoughtful and ultimately damning case to answer over military adventures that have played fast and loose with international law and shown reckless disregard for media lives.
Aidan White, former General Secretary, International Federation of Journalists; Director, Ethical Journalism Network
Reporters Under Threat reminds us journalists always to ask the question: ‘Are we mere messengers and voyeurs of war, or is the message we carry so valuable to the world beyond that it’s worth the risk?
John Pilger, Journalist
About the Author
Chris Paterson teaches at the Institute of Communications Studies at the University of Leeds, and is a former television news photographer. He is the author of The International Television News Agencies (2011), and co-editor of Making Online News: Newsroom Ethnographies in the Second Decade of Internet Journalism (2011), Making Online News: The Ethnography of New Media Production (2008) and International News in the 21st Century (2004).
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