Women, Journalism, Violence
Visit the website of Prof Barbara Barnett to see her work on women journalists who cover violence.
Barbara Barnett is based at the University of Kansas, USA and attended the Spaces of War conference in 2018 to discuss her research on women journalists who cover violence. After the conference, she received numerous requests to share the research more widely. Conscious that many journalists do not have access to academic libraries, and in an effort to reach as wide an audience as possible, she created her website where she could (re)tell the stories of the journalists she has been working with.
Prof. Barnett interviewed over 30 women journalists around the world for her research, asking about their experiences with violence. In her writing, she explores these stories thematically, looking at why women became journalists, how violence becomes part of their work, and how covering violence affects the women personally and professionally.
If you are interested in accessing any of the Barbara’s articles please visit her site here: http://www.drbarbarabarnett.com